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Submit a Unit Lesson Plan

The Unit Lesson Plan form is designed to help tutors document each tutoring session efficiently. Completing this form is essential for tracking student progress, lesson coverage, assigned homework, and community service hours. Please fill out the form after every session, including your name, the student's name, date, student ID number, lesson covered, homework assigned, tutoring hours, and any notes for staff. Documenting community service hours accurately is crucial, as we round time in 15-minute increments—if you spend 1 hour and 17 minutes, please note that, but in our system, it will be recorded as 1 hour 30 minutes. The form should take under five minutes to complete, supporting our mission to provide quality learning experiences.

Unit Lesson Plan

Tutor Information


Student Information

Session Details

Session Outcome

Did your student express undertsanding of the material you covered?
How was your student's behavior during the lesson? (Emotional/Focus)
5 – Excellent (Great behavior/Well-engaged)
4 – Good (Mostly good behavior/Mostly focused)
3 – Fine (Okay behavior/ Decently focused)
2 – Unsatisfactory (Strong negative emotions/Distracted on a few occasions)
1 – Very Unsatisfactory (Very strong negative emotions/Not focused at all)
(If selected 2 or 1) Do you believe a follow-up is needed?

Additional Notes

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Kids Need Our Words is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization

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